40 " The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ "

Matthew 25:40


The Christian Mission in the Far East, USA, is the continuation of a vision and calling that Pastor Amado L. Chanco had starting in 1947. Historically, there are two distinct focuses, urban and tribal. Pastor Chanco planted his church, Manila Calvary, and over many decades worked to fulfill God’s calling of caring for some of the poorest people living in the Philippines. Before Pastor Chanco’s death in the mid 1980’s, CMFE had grown to include several orphanages and various other ministries.

Since 1997, CMFE has been led by Reverend Ramon Sanchez.

Our Mission

Overall, there are approximately 81 churches, including pioneering churches, located in some of the most remote and dangerous areas of the Philippines. Among these is the new Manila Calvary Church, originally planted by Amado Chaco in the 1940s.

With the exception of Manila Calvary Church, the churches are located in 13 districts which include:

  • East Maasim 1 and 2

  • West Maasim Districts 1 and 2

  • T'boli District

  • Kiamba 1 and 2

  • Maitum, Calinan

  • Davao Del Norte

  • Antipas

  • Maguindanao

  • Manila.

 Each of the churches within all 13 districts are expanding and evangelizing. These churches are located in some of the most dangerous, and primitive areas on the island of Mindanao. Each of them face unique challenges and opportunities. We need teaching supplies, musical instruments, used clothing, vitamins, healthcare support, building materials (post-storm recovery materials), and more. Your prayers and financial contributions are needed and appreciated. Your efforts will provide blessings and make differences in the lives of hundreds of people!

The supporters of Christian Mission in the Far East pray that the Lord will show His love and grace in our evangelistic ministry.

Christian Ministry in the Far East embraces:

  1. Evangelism in the city of Manila and the tribal areas -- currently, the tribal church members visit different villages to share the Good News and to help each other to hold crusades. The tribal bands perform to promote evangelism.

  2. Children’s feeding - Approximately 150 children are regularly fed through this program.

  3. Healing - Illness and disease are frequent challenges among these tribes and urban poor where health insurance is an unknown.

Hunger is prevalent in Manila; the Mission’s goal is to provide a daily children’s feeding and rice distribution ministry. Food is distributed after worship services.

We have future plans as well. For instance, CMFE also has plans to show Christian films whenever funds are available to rent the film and projector.  Distribution of used clothing is another way that we can serve God’s people through this ministry. The frequent strong storms or typhoons that hit the Philippines every year create a need for distribution of healthy food and used clothing.  Please pray and help the Mission’s ministries by providing funds for food and other needs as well as used clothing.

With the Lord Jesus leading us, we have recently completed the Mission’s reconstruction. CMFE will extend its efforts to re-building the Gethsemane Home Orphanages. There are thousands of children who need a home. The situation of the poor in the Philippines is heartbreaking. We will pray that the Lord will also provide generously.

16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. 17 And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
— Matthew 28: 16-20