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Winter 2017/ 2018


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all CMFE friends and loved ones! From miles away, no matter how far we are, the warmth of Christmas will bring us closer together. Peace, love, joy, we wish to you and may Christ’s love fill your home with blessings this Holy season.

 Matthew 2: 10 & 11

When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.  Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Christmas Celebrations and Love Gifts

This Christmas season, praise the Lord for the “love gifts” which were sent out to the Pastors in the Philippines earlier this year.  They have already been received. They can use some of the funds for their annual “Christmas Tours,” where CMFE pastors and members of their congregations walk long distances from church to church for fellowship, prayer and revival meetings.  This is the way most of the churches celebrate Christmas. The churches will also have their Christmas pageants with joyful songs and worship.

Manila Calvary Church, likewise, has received the funds to help the needy members of the church and the poor people in the area this Christmas. After the worship service, lunch will be served and love gifts will be distributed.  The church is also preparing for their Christmas pageant and celebration.

Visit to the Philippines


Last November, Clifford and James Chanco as well as Ruth Sanchez, travelled to the Philippines to attend important meetings with government officials in the cities of Laguna and Baguio. They also visited the Gethsemane Home Orphanage properties. It is the goal of CMFE to reopen the orphanages in Laguna and Baguio City.

Clifford and Ruth travelled to Mabitac, Laguna to meet the mayor of the city and other government officials concerning the reopening of the Gethsemane Home properties. It was a very positive and encouraging meeting. The next day, Clifford and Ruth went to the office of the government officials in charge of the Baguio Gethsemane Home. It was also a fruitful and positive meeting. The Lord was with them in all the meetings. The leadership of the cities was receptive to the needs of CMFE and supportive of the reopening of the orphanages. Indeed, it is the Mission’s Year of Jubilee!

Now the task of constructing a small structure for the Gethsemane Home Orphanage in Mabitac, Laguna is our focus and priority. The whole Mission will pray and fast. The old structure was falling apart and no longer safe. The structure was very old and was destroyed by strong storms.

The contractor who installed the awnings in Manila Calvary Church visited the orphanage property to look at the site and measure. Their construction team will provide a plan and estimate for the construction of a small building.  They are willing to give a reasonable quote.  We hope and pray construction can begin in the year 2018. We trust the Lord to provide like He did for the Manila Mission Headquarters and Church. 

Please help us pray that our Lord will send people who will open their hearts, like the three wise men, who will offer gifts to the Lord for the Gethsemane Home orphanages. There are many children in need of a home in the Philippines.


Manila Calvary Church


James Chanco remained in Manila to supervise the installation of the awnings. There were three typhoons (hurricanes) that hit the city with strong winds, heavy rains and floods in many parts of the city, before we arrived.   Such storms hit the Philippines almost annually. Awnings were needed to prevent the rain from entering the Manila Calvary Church building and damage the structure. The back fence was also built and completed. 

In Sunday morning worship service, Clifford Chanco shared the word of God. He spoke about praying for a breakthrough. The people were blessed with God’s word. There were three former orphans of the Gethsemane Homes who are now members of the Church. They loved hearing that the orphanages may reopen again.


Maguindanao District

Pastor Claudio sent their quarterly report with many pictures of their thanksgiving celebrations. All the congregations of the district were overjoyed at the support and love they have received from CMFE. They celebrated by roasting some of the pigs which they raised for their livelihood projects. Indeed, all six churches in the district raise pigs to help with their livelihood. So far the projects are successful and it helps that Muslims don't eat pork. The congregations have much to be thankful for. Overall, they feel blessed and sent pictures to show their joy and gratitude.

Of course, the Maguindanao churches continue to ask for prayers for their safety. Maguindanao continues to be very unstable and unsafe. Many Muslim insurgents threaten Christian congregations. The churches are also asking for prayers concerning government officials who want to designate the people of the region as tribal cultures who are backward and still practice their indigenous religions. They want the government to understand that as a people they are literate and have long been part of the Christian faith. The worship of the tribal gods has long since ended in the area.

The district has also expressed the need for the Gethsemane Homes to reopen. There are many children in all the area and CMFE churches who need homes. Please pray.