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December, 2018

”Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, The Lord.”

Luke 2:11

Glory to God in the Highest! May the blessings of God’s special gifts be yours this Christmas and in the New Year.  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all CMFE friends and loved ones! Wishing you the Love, Peace and Happiness which are the true meaning of Christmas. From miles away, no matter how far we are, the warmth of Christmas will bring us closer together. May Christ’s love fill your home with blessings this Holy season!


CMFE Ministries

CMFE pastors and workers as well as their families are rejoicing and pressing on as they witness the revival in their churches and ministries. Through prayer and hard work, their ministries flourish and have grown. The Lord Jesus is their strength and companion in all that they do. They feel the Lord is with them to direct and guide them in what they have to share. God helps them every step of the way, giving them wisdom in sharing the Gospel and touches the hearts of the people who hears God's Word. The pastors and workers are humbled and encouraged to continue the work because they are witnesses of God’s miracles, grace and mercy. Many who hear the Word accept the message of salvation.

Not all CMFE pastors have been educated in seminaries affiliated with major Universities like we have here in the United States. However, the Lord is with them as they continue to study His word. God opens their minds and hearts to learn more about Him. The Lord brings them assurance that He is with them. Praise the Lord. God understands their situation and fills their hearts and minds with wisdom and joy.

CMFE churches continue with the revival services, crusades, travel bands and other ministries. They are eager to share the love and kindness of our Lord Jesus to all people. He came to be our Savior. The pastors are grateful and that the Lord is blessing CMFE ministries and rejoice with their humble work for the Lord.

The pastors and congregations which live in dangerous areas, like Maguindanao, are praying that the peace of God be upon them. They express their joy and gratitude that the Lord Jesus who is the Savior, protects them. Indeed, their challenging situation emboldens them to proclaim the need for a Savior.

Like Maguindanao, Tubak Calvary Church, in Maasim District, is asking for prayer for their safety. They live in a war zone and have to trust God for their safety. Conflict between the government and Islamic militants continue.

Christmas Celebrations and Love Gifts                                                    

Again, this Christmas season, praise the Lord for the “love gifts” which were sent out to the Pastors in the Philippines. They can use some of the funds for their annual “Christmas Tours,” where CMFE pastors and members of their congregations walk long distances from church to church for fellowship, prayer and revival meetings.  This is the way most of the churches celebrate Christmas. The churches will also have their Christmas pageants with joyful songs and worship.

All pastors, workers and their families are rejoicing and thanking the Lord and God's people who are supporting them in their ministries. They are extending their heartfelt gratitude for all the blessings they have received; the love gifts, chocolates, vitamins, used clothing and more.

Manila Calvary Church, likewise, has received the funds to help the needy members of the church and the poor people in the area, this Christmas. After the worship service, lunch will be served and love gifts will be distributed.  The church is also preparing for their Christmas pageant and celebration.

The church also has an evangelistic outreach for the homeless as well as feeding the poor children of the area.

Visit to the Philippines

Last November, James Chanco and Ruth Sanchez, travelled to the Philippines. On the 25th of November, the former orphans of the Gethsemane Homes and the graduates of Edenton Mission School in Mindanao, held a get together. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and to reminisce what the Lord has done for them. They all shared that they came to know the Lord in the Gethsemane Home orphanages and Edenton. They were also delighted that the mission headquarters and Manila Calvary Church has been renovated and is again open for worship and ministering to the poor in the city.

Hebrews 12

”And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfector of our faith.” Glory to God.

Matthew 2: 10 & 11

“When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.  Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.”



For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.  I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me.  I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me…The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’”   -- Matthew 25: 35, 36, 40

YES!  I want to support CMFE-USA ministries, help the homeless children, Pastors and Mission workers.

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Please make check or money order payable to CMFE-USA and send to:


                                    PO Box 5571

                                    Diamond Bar, CA 91765