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Winter, 2019

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Luke 2:10-11

The angel said, “Do not be afraid, I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the city of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.


2 Corinthians 12:9

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”


Ephesians 6: 10-18 

Be strong in the Lord and in his power.


Mission Trip to the Philippines – Pastor’s Meeting in Davao City, Mindanao

In November, Ruth Sanchez and Kathrina Chin travelled to the Philippines. The mission trip was gratifying and brought joy to the pastors especially during this holiday season. They were very happy to fellowship with Ruth and Kathrina as well as other district missionaries and pastors. It was a time to get out of their very remote locations and travel to the city to be updated with the miracles and wonders happening within the different churches. They shared their burdens and challenges as well. The pastor’s reports were very moving. There is much to pray for. 


So much happens every week in the churches. Evangelistic crusades, youth fellowships, bible and leadership trainings and more are some of the activities which the districts host. There are some major setbacks as well. One of the larger churches of West Maasim District is being told to vacate its location as soon as possible. The church must dismantle its structure and find another location to rebuild. The congregation fervently asks for prayer. 


All the pastors are also asking CMFE supporters to pray for their health and strength as they continue God’s work. Most of pastors are farmers. To support themselves and their families while they serve very poor congregations, the pastors farm and raise livestock. Farming in the Philippines is back breaking labor, without the sophisticated machinery and equipment. They do not have the resources that we have in the USA. And yet, they continue to serve. Church work is a very big part of their lives. They have met the Lord Jesus who is their Lord and do their best to serve Him. 

CMFE Ministries

All CMFE pastors ask for prayer for God’s guidance and blessing. They also ask God that their joy and love for His work will continue to grow as they serve Him and minister to His people. 

Kiamba 2 District

Pastor Digan once again said they are praying for CMFE to flourish and grow. They pray for the Lord to pour His blessings on His work and His servants. Their Bible Training School continues to grow. He brought pictures of the improvement and beautification projects of their churches.

Kiamba 1 and West Maasim 2 District

Pastor Adon is praying for good health for himself and other members of his congregations. Their churches continue to pray and fast for God’s blessings and guidance.

T’boli 2 District

Pastor Salyok of the T’boli district, a very remote place, shared that they planted more than two hectares of abaca, a plant harvested for its fiber. The abaca fiber is obtained from the leaves of the plant and is characterized by its length, firmness and durability. They hope to produce a good crop next season. Their district’s Bible training School also continues to grow as they need more workers in their location. They also have a new pioneering church with five families.

Maasim 1 District

Pastor Alejo is thanking the Lord that they continue to survive the drought. He reported that with the amount they received from the CMFE, he bought rice and distributed it to the all the churches in his district. He said despite the difficulties, they are moving forward and trusting the Lord. We told them they will be receiving a box of vitamins, used clothing, shoes, chocolates and some toys for the children and it brought them joy. Moreover, the district continues with their revival services and crusades.

Maasim 2 District

Pastor Guimba‘s churches fast and pray every month. They also have an evangelistic crusade every six months. They will once again have their Christmas tour of evangelism and praise and worship. They will be visiting their 12 district churches. This ministry tour goes through the jungles and very difficult terrain. The pastoral team travels for miles on foot!

West Maasim 2 District

Pastor Pelegrío Flores is asking for prayer. The owner of the land where their church and other structures are located has asked their congregation to move out. The church has been in that location for 20 years. Now, they have to dismantle their church building to salvage the construction materials and move to a new location. Their church is the nicest and biggest of all the CMFE churches in Mindanao.  The CMFE youth fellowship of varying churches from several districts as well as other district meetings are held in that location. The congregation feels very troubled by the magnitude of their burden and are asking for help and prayer. They need to find a new location and raise money for more building materials. 

Boxes of Gifts

CMFE was able to send six big boxes full of used clothing, shoes, new towels, vitamins, toys and more to different districts. The churches are thrilled and truly overjoyed to receive the gift boxes this Christmas season. The pastors and their churches are praying for those who are supporting them. They expressed their gratitude to everyone who extended their prayer and assistance. Praise the Lord that more boxes will be sent soon.

Future Mission Convention 

Currently, CMFE district missionaries, pastors and supporters are praying for our Lord to grant us victory and abundant blessings. We are praying to behold before our eyes the power and mercy of God on behalf of the Mission. We are praying for the orphanage properties, and a church building in Davao City. CMFE is renting at the UCCP church in Davao City.

CMFE hopes to hold a district wide convention that would allow all the pastors to attend. The pastors were delighted when we announced that we are going to have our convention. They are looking for a venue for the mission convention that is long overdue.  Please help us pray.



“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.  I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me.  I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me…The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’”       -- Matthew 25: 35, 36, 40


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