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Spring 2022

No Matter What Happens
God Can Bring Good Out of Anything

We know that in all that happens, God works for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose.   Romans 8:28

I will praise the Lord no matter what happens.  Psalms 34:1


The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.

“The worker deserves his wages.” I Timothy 5:17, 18


All CMFE district missionaries and pastors received love gifts and Christmas gifts. Their hearts are overjoyed and full compassion despite the hardships of the past year. We thank all our donors for answering the call to help the pastors and workers of Christian Mission in the Far East.


Calinan, Davao City - Pastor Christina Tula

The discipleship course with ten students will complete their study in a few weeks.

One of the barangay or community leaders in Calinan District invited Pastor Tula. She responded immediately and visited the community leader The barangay leader would like to join CMFE. He said that the community likes the news about the CMFE churches. They’ve heard positive things about the ministries.


The CMFE sent four large boxes of canned goods, used clothes, shoes, vitamins, chocolates and more.  We are preparing more boxes to send. When one of the board members went to buy shipping boxes, the line was long, and it was near closing time but the worker at the LBC store continued to help all those in line. She said the people in the Philippines are hard up and in need of help very badly.


Please, continue to pray for the district’s new churches

  1. New House Church

  2. Gumalang Calvary church

  3. Salang Calvary Church.

  4. Ganayan Arakan Calvary Church

Davao del Norte District  - Pastor Leah Sol Siga

The district has planned this 2022 to have a children’s camp and youth camp. There are many children and youth in their district. Also, the district had their scheduled men’s and women’s fellowship.  Moreover, thy hosted a prayer day with prayer and fasting. There is a new pioneering church in Honog Dong Monte Duali, Davao del Norte. Davao del Norte covers a huge area in the province of Davao. They need prayers. 


Despite Covid restrictions, the district leaders continue to serve the Lord. The District Missionary, Pastor Siga just had a baby last Oct. 8, 2021, and her mother passed away last November 6, 2021. She wrote that despite her grief, she is doing well. She needs our prayers.

East Maasim District and T’boli District 1 - District Missionary: Pastor Eliseo Guimba


Most of the churches in both districts have increased their attendance and are flourishing.  Datal Lanao Calvary Church just completed rebuilding their church to accommodate new members. 

In the T’boli district, a community feeding was held after an evangelistic crusade to attract more people to come to church. They also did raffles with prizes for those who came to fellowship.

They are asking for prayers for the Tribal Band that is very effective in their Christmas tour during the Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations and other Churches celebrations.

Kiamba District 1 and 2 and T’boli District 

Kiamba 1: District Missionary: Pastor Wellie Adon

A meeting of the district leaders was held in Pastor Adon’s Church. They shared their work in the different churches, enjoyed each other’s company, and ate lunch together. The love gifts and Christmas love gifts were distributed to the pastors of all the churches from the districts.


Pastor Adon’s district had a youth fellowship.  The theme was “Stay Connected with God”.  John 15:5-7.  It was held at Tubak Calvary Church. They are trying to strengthen their connection to God and people through activities inside and outside their churches and with prayers. 

They are asking for prayer for the Banwang Calvary Church young people going to Bible school.


Kiamba 2: District Missionary: Pastor Eduardo Digan

The churches are praying for the CMFE missions to continue to be blessed despite the passing of their beloved Chairman, Pastor Ramon Sanchez. Many pastors still addressed their letters to the late Pastor Sanchez. They expressed how they missed him. They said Pastor Sanchez has helped them tremendously in improving themselves and in preaching the Word of God.


The pastors are enthusiastic in their ministries. Pastor Onie Badang wrote “thank you for the trust of the work of the Lord and for your faithful support.” 

The district Bible Training School continues to grow.

West Maasim District 2 - District missionary Pastor Peligrio Flores

They reported that the district hosted a district church Youth Fellowship last January.  Around 200 young people attended. 

The district also gathered for prayer and fasting in church last January 16.

There were 10 baptism last December. 

More than 25 children were dedicated to God. 





“For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat.  I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me.  I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me…The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’”    -- Matthew 25: 35, 36, 40

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