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Spring, 2017



Psalm 126: 5, 6:  They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.  He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing sheaves with him. (KJVA)

Indeed, the pastors and workers of the CMFE-USA are doing their best serving God within their ministry. They are enthusiastic and eager to work hard for the Lord. They serve with courage and faithfulness despite the clear dangers which surround them.  

The majority of the CMFE congregations are tribal churches located in the remote areas of the island of Mindanao. The tribes include the T’boli, Bilaan, Bogobo, Tiruray and Mansaka.


Several pastors, workers and members of the district churches have left Maitum for General Santos City.  They can no longer live in the areas they serve because of the increasing threats to their family’s safety as well as their own. The CMFE pastors now have to commute long distances, back and forth to their churches.  The Muslim terrorists have caused harm and difficulties to their communities. Their means of livelihood is also affected.  They hope that the new President may bring some changes and help bring up law and order. The churches affected by the violence are mostly ethnic Ilocano and Visayans. The district missionary, Novie Boone, is of the T’boli tribe and lives in the very remote area where the threat of attacks is even greater.


The West Maasim District, under the leadership of Pastor Alan Alejo, sent their 2017 calendar for their District activities and celebrations.  Starting last January, their Bible Training School opened in Lunay Calvary Church.  In February, the district held its annual Youth fellowship. This April, the congregations will again hold their Tribal Band Crusade led by their evangelist, Pastor Bebong Suyan.  Church bible training seminars will be held in all churches throughout the year. In May, the district Family Fellowship and Men’s and Women’s fellowship will hosted by different churches.

Many congregants participate in prayer and fasting every week. All donors and support of the Mission are included in their prayer lists. The district also has a new pioneering church, Traanfit Calvary Church.

The rice funds the district received were distributed to all pastors and workers. They were very grateful and appreciative for the love gifts.  They are asking for help to purchase a small organ for their church. Considering their remote locations, musical instruments played in church bring joy and enjoyment to all the church members.


East Maasim District is the biggest district, with 8 churches in East Maasim and four churches in the T’boli area in South Cotabato. 

Last November and December, the East Maasim District missionary workers and band again visited their different churches to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas. The “Tourista Group,” as they call themselves, led by the District Missionary, Pastor Eliceo Guimba, walked the long distances from church to church. They were very tired, thirsty and hungry but were full of joy and praises. A few of the members of the group got sick but continued to join the tour. Their Tribal Band traveled with the team. The travel is difficult because there are no roads and the area is mountainous.

The district also has a new pioneering church in General Santos City. This is exciting! This will be the second Mission Church in a city. Manila Calvary Church is in the capital city of Manila.

Last April, the district Bible Training School opened once again.  The bible school graduates fill the needs for new pastors and workers.

East Maasim District also have Prayer and Fasting week. They also pray for the Mission donors and supporters. The congregations have said this is the only way they can show their gratitude to the people who show kindness and share their blessings with them. 


Pastor Adon is handling three churches in Kiamba 1 and 2 churches in West Maasim. Pastor Adon is sickly and he shared during last year’s meeting in Davao that he might not live long because of his health condition.  Please pray for him. 


Pastor Digan is very eager and loves serving the Lord.  The district continues with their regular Revival Program and their Calvary Singing Contest to attract people to attend. A new church will be added to their district, pastor Digan said they already have the materials ready. Praise the lord!


Pastor Oscar Claudio traveled for almost a day to Kiamba to pick up their district love gifts. The situation in Maguindanao seems to have worsened but the work of the Lord continues. According to Pastor Claudio, the area is predominantly Muslim and they impose Sharia Law in the area. Thanks to the courageous pastors and workers under the leadership pastor Claudio, the CMFE churches remain open and continue their ministries.  The CMFE is planning to provide Pastor Claudio a motor bike to help him to commute and travel to and from the different district churches. Please pray.

Lord willing, this May or June CMFE board members, the sons of the late founder, the Rev. Amado L. Chanco, Clifford and James Chanco, will travel to the Philippines to meet with the pastors and district missionaries. They will also help with the mission concerns in Baguio and Mabitac, Laguna.  This will be the second visit for James Chanco. Please pray.  The Mission has many needs. The health and safety of the all the pastors, their families, district missionaries and the entire congregations are in our hearts and minds always. 

Psalms 121:7& 8; “The Lord will keep you from all harm. He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going.”  Glory to God.



Please help us continue the Lord’s ministry to remote areas. All donations are tax deductible.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.  I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me.  I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me…The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’”  -- Matthew 25: 35, 36, 40



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PO Box 5571

Diamond Bar, CA 91765