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Fall 2017



Leviticus 25: 8 -10

“…then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the Jubilee to sound…in the Day of Atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all the land…and proclaim the liberty throughout all your land unto all the inhabitants thereof.…”

This year is the Israeli year of Jubilee. Also, this year, the 50th Jubilee Year, CMFE-USA claims liberty from sin and debt for all its members and supporters.

Since according to Ephesians 3: 5-6 and 20, by the Spirit of God…through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together with Israel, members together with one body and sharers together in the promise of Christ Jesus.” Thus, Christians may also approach God with freedom and confidence to “do immeasurably more that all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us…”

Though every year the poverty of many Filipinos seem to get worse, affecting many CMFE-USA church members, we continue to have hope in Christ Jesus and His promises.  This year, CMFE claims that God will pour out His blessings on each and every member and supporter of CMFE and that this be the mission’s Year of Jubilee!


Once again the journey to the Mindanao Mission fields to meet with the district missionaries was a tremendous success.  All the district missionaries, including those from the very remote tribal T’boli districts traveled to Davao City.  Love gifts were given to all the pastors after the meeting.  They look forward to receiving the blessings from the Lord Jesus.

We thank God for His faithful servants!  The churches in all the districts are moving forward and continue to fulfill their calling in sharing the Word of God.  Evangelistic crusades continue to be an integral part of the church ministries.  Evangelism, bible training, establishing new “pioneer” churches in nearby towns and remote areas are critical, though dangerous, ministries of CMFE-USA.  Indeed, the pastors stand their ground against the Muslim “Bansa Moro” caliphate.  A war is now raging in the island of Mindanao and tremendous hardship is suffered by many in the region.  The pastors of CMFE are undeterred by these dangers as they continue to serve. 

CMFE continues to claim God’s promise in Acts 1:8, “but you will receive Power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” 

We praise the Lord!  All the district missionaries and pastors gave excellent reports of their ministries. God’s anointing is clearly present.  CMFE continues God’s work because the “harvest is plenty” and many need to hear the Word of God.  Indeed, CMFE bible training schools are continuing to graduate students to help with pioneering church work.  The whole Mission is praying and fasting that our Almighty God will open doors for more ministries.  Glory to God!            


Kathrina Chin, James Chanco and Ruth Sanchez traveled to the Philippines again to meet the district missionaries and pastors of CMFE-USA.  They brought two big LBC boxes which were full of shoes, used clothing, bath towels, tooth paste, vitamins, chocolates and more.   The churches were delighted to receive the gifts.  They feel so blessed to have CMFE-USA mission caring for them. With this visit, they brought ten big bottles of vitamins and more pastors were able to receive the needed supplements for their health.  They said the vitamins give them strength to do their work.  They also truly appreciate the used clothing, rare treats and love gifts.

CMFE-USA has 13 districts, including Manila.  They are led by district missionaries.



Feeding the Homeless

Manila Calvary Church’s pastor is Jaime Olubalang.  The church is feeding the homeless every Wednesday and Sunday after the prayer meeting and Worship Service.  On Wednesdays, church members and homeless people in the community are happy to be receiving snacks.  On Sunday, the church is able to provide a simple meal with rice and dishes with vegetables sautéed in a pork, or mung beans, or rice soup.  The homeless are from the streets nearby, Manila Bay, or other slum areas in the city. During our visit we gave the homeless used clothing.  Chocolate treats and a small amount of cash were also given to the poor women and children.  They are also fed with the Word of God.


The district is led by Pastor Alan Alejo and a bible school teacher who is also an evangelist.  The district has six churches.  They also have a thriving pioneer church – Traansfit Calvary Church and a bible school.  One of the church members offered his land for the Bible school. The district is requesting prayer for the building and learning materials that are needed for the Bible school.

Many congregants participate in prayer and fasting every week.  All the supporters of the Mission are included in their prayer lists.

Some of their most successful events this year include:

  • Youth Fellowship (themed – Strengthening Our Commitment to Serve the Lord in These Last Days”) – 136 young people attended
  • Family Fellowship (“Restore Our Relationship to God”) – 135 members within the district attended.
  • Evangelistic Crusade – over 150 people came and many accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior.


The district missionary of both East Maasim districts is Pastor Eliseo Guimba.  This is the biggest district, with eight churches in East Maasim and four churches in the T’boli area in South Cotabato.  The districts have ten pastors and a pioneering church – Siguel Calvary Church in General Santos City.  It also has a Bible training school at Datal Lanao Calvary Church.

Every month, leaders and members of the churches in the districts pray and fast for the needs and security to their congregants and the entire region.  Currently, the T’boli District is in need of musical instruments for their worship team.


The West Maasim District, under the leadership of Pastor Peligro Flores, has four churches.  Last April, they held their annual Youth Camp.  It was a huge success.

The congregations of this district are also asking for prayer for peace and order in their towns so that they can continue God’s work. Currently, there are many dangers.


Pastor Adon is the District Missionary for Kiamba 1 and West Maasim 2.  He is leading three churches in Kiamba 1 and two churches in West Maasim 2. Pastor Adon continues to be sickly and is on medication for his ulcers.  Please pray for him.

Currently, the district is adding a new pioneer church, Blokan Calvary Church, in the town of Malipong.  The church now has 46 families (73 people) and it is continuing to grow.

The district is asking for assistance for church improvement (better walls and ceilings) as well as musical instruments for their churches’ praise and worship teams.


Pastor Eduardo Digan is a charismatic leader who loves serving the Lord.  He is the district missionary who works with seven established churches and one pioneer church.  They also have a bible training school which recently had three graduates.  In his letters, he expresses his gratitude to the supporters of CMFE for the blessings they have received.

The congregations of this district are asking for prayers in this time of war.  The Philippine government and ISIS terrorists, who have taken over the port city of Malawi, are currently at war.  The city has been bombed by the government forces and the fighting continues.  Many are suffering.

Pastor Digan’s congregations have begun a special prayer program called “Jesus my Partner,” claiming success as they continue God’s work in the war affected areas of Mindanao. 

Currently, the churches are also continuing their Church Seed Projects.  Each congregation raises crops such as bananas, corn and abaca to help people in need.


A new district has been set up to serve the T’boli tribe in Kiamba District 2 in South Cotabato. It is led by Pastor Edwin Sulik.


Kalinan District is led by Pastor Ruben Diagalan.  The district has four established and one pioneer church in the town of Bulan Lamanon.  They recently held their annual district conference which was attended by the members of the men’s, women’s and youth groups.  They wrote about their wonderful fellowship and are also very grateful for CMFE support.


Pastor Oscar Claudio is the district missionary of one of the most remote and dangerous areas in the island of Mindanao. He leads six churches. They continue to ask for support and prayer. They are active in conducting evangelistic crusades despite the threat to their lives. They have been ordered to stop all Christian evangelistic and mission work by the Muslim insurgents.  The Muslim groups are attempting to enforce Sharia law in the region.  However, Pastor Claudio continues God’s work faithfully and with tremendous courage.


Pastor Alejandro Bayotas is the district missionary of five churches. Two of the region’s churches, Taglabid Calvary Church and Siabok Higher Ground Calvary Church are requesting help to improve the condition of their church.  They need roofing materials and walls.


This district is led by Pastor Noovie Boone.  It has four churches which are also active in serving God in their area.


The pastors are still excited to have the Mission Convention in the Mission Headquarters in Manila.  The targeted date is now moved to next summer.  Please pray for the needs of the convention.  Please pray that the gathering of the pastors and district missionaries of CMFE will be a glorious celebration of God’s love and compassion.


We Are Grateful For Your Donations

If you would like to make a donation, please print this page, fill out the following form and mail your donation to CMFE USA at the address provided below.

All donations are tax deductible.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.  I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.  I was a stranger and you invited me in.  I needed clothes and you clothed me.  I was sick and you looked after me.  I was in prison and you came to visit me…The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’”   -- Matthew 25: 35,36, 40

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                                    PO Box 5571

                                    Diamond Bar, CA 91765