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Spring, 2018



Matthew 9: 36 to 38

“When he saw the crowds, he felt compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples. ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, so send out workers into his harvest field.’”

Throughout the Philippines but especially the much battered island of Mindanao, there is great need for the good news of Jesus Christ. The violence in the region and lack of the most basic needs continue to plague the area. The district missionaries cry out to God for strength and for their daily needs.  They also all pray for bibles and bible study materials as well as funds for musical instruments and construction materials for their growing churches.

Indeed, the faithful pastors and servants of Christ who minister to the communities of CMFE churches press on with courage to fight the good fight. They are empowered by God’s purpose and emboldened by his promises. As they attempt great things for God, they expect great things from God. The pastors and lay workers of CMFE know that God wants them to succeed. They fully trust and expect Him to empower them to do His work. Their compassion for the harassed and the helpless is amazing. Their daring faith is a source of inspiration and blessing. CMFE remains steadfast in its commitment to let God use us to bless others who serve in the most difficult circumstances.


Feeling the compassion and blessing of our Lord Jesus!

CMFE-USA has 13 districts, including Manila. This March, Kathrina Chin, and Ruth Chanco Sanchez traveled to the Philippines again to meet the district missionaries and pastors of the CMFE-USA. They brought two big LBC boxes full of vitamins, chocolates, towels and more.   The churches were delighted to receive the gifts. They feel so blessed to have CMFE-USA mission to care for them.

The Mission work is strongly under way.  Everybody gave an excellent report of their ministries. God’s anointing is clearly present. CMFE continues God’s work because the “harvest is plenty” and many need to hear the Word of God.  Indeed, the CMFE Bible Training Schools are continuing to graduate students to help with pioneering church work.  The whole Mission is praying and fasting that our Almighty God will open doors for more ministries.  Glory God!

The pastors and district missionaries shared their gratitude and overflowing joy. They were all encouraged and grateful to fellowship with their fellow servants of God who all traveled to attend the CMFE meeting. They said that despite their experiences of “exhaustion, hunger and toil in the intense heat of the sun” they continue to fight the good fight because God is faithful, and He gives them the strength to persevere. They ask that all CMFE supporters and friends to remember them in their prayers. There is much work to do. Truly, the harvest is plentiful. The pastors and their congregations all require the most basic necessities as well as bible study materials and musical instruments for their worship teams.

Perhaps the most amazing stories were shared during the meeting was by the T’Boli pastor and district missionary. The district is in a very poor area, but their membership has grown has new church buildings have been constructed. A video link of the 5th anniversary celebration of one of the churches is attached to home page of CMFE website.

We thank God for His faithful servants!



The district is led by Pastor Alan Alejo and a bible school teacher who is also an evangelist. The district has six churches. One of the church members donated his land for the Bible school. The bible school is open. Building and learning materials are needed.

Activities: Tribal Band Crusade in Landamay Calvary Church. More than 200 attended and 50 people accepted the Lord. Five people witnessed that they were healed from their ailments.


The district missionary of both East Maasim districts is Pastor Eliseo Guimba.  The East Maasim District is the biggest district, with eight churches in East Maasim and four churches in the T’Boli area in South Cotabato.  Their bible training school has 34 students. They are asking help for the student’s basic needs including food, cleaning supplies such as soap and toothpaste as well as school supplies. The teachers also need funds for transportation and their basic necessities.

The district pastor’s annual tour of all the churches was successful. They prayed and fasted with the congregations. The travel was challenging. One of the rivers which has no bridge had to be by passed because it was too deep. The pastors had to climb the mountain with all their heavy supplies, which includes their food, beddings and clothing. They had to go through a tropical rain forest as well as tall brush and grass. The pastors also crossed a second less deep river by wading through and holding on to big and strong vines to avoid being swept by the current. Despite their hardships with their travels, they praised the Lord for successful gatherings and fellowship. They felt that their faith was deepened and strengthened by the challenges. The congregations they met were also blessed.


Pastor Adon is the District Missionary for Kiamba I and West Maasim II. He continues to be sickly and on medication for his ulcers. He was unable to stay for the last district missionary meeting because he was in so much pain. Please pray for him.

This district has a large youth group. The youth groups are active in the churches and many of the young people express their desire to grow deeper in the faith. Twelve of their young people were recently baptized.


 Pastor Eduardo Digan is a charismatic leader who loves serving the Lord and leads the second Kiamba District. They had an evangelistic meeting last March and 200 people attended. The theme was “Salvation is for all.”  The district’s bible training school has seven students. Many of the students hope to be the new leaders of CMFE.  Indeed, former students of this training school have become pioneering pastors of new churches. Two of the churches are now the established churches with growing congregations in the new T’Boli district.


The new district was set up to serve the T’Boli tribe in South Cotabato because of its distance and challenging terrain. Traveling to the two new churches in the district involves going through narrow trails in the tropical rainforest. The district is 60 km or 37 miles away from the closest town of Kiamba. The pastors traverse these trails on foot. There is no transportation to get there.

The pastors of both Kiamba and new T’Boli district along with their new congregations constructed two new churches. The land for one of the churches was donated by one of the members. This encouraged the construction of a permanent structure for Datal Halak Calvary Church, instead of bamboo and palm “nipa” leaves. Though the floor is still dirt, the congregation is overjoyed to have to have a new place of worship. The congregants brought their own benches and donated them to the church. They are all praying that God will provide more building materials.

The new district missionary and pastor of the new church, Datal Halak Calvary Church, is Pastor Edwin Saliok. He started a bible training school with the help of Pastor Digan. The district needs trained workers to expand the ministry. So far they have 10 enthusiastic students who are eager to serve God.

The other church in the district is Basag Tudak Calvary Church.


Pastor Oscar Claudio has started a new “pioneering” church in the town of Sultan Kudarat. This is a predominantly Islamic community. There were militant groups which attempted to stop him from establishing a church but Pastor Claudio declared to the community that it was God’s will to start a Christian church in the area. With tremendous courage, he said that no one can kill him if it was still not his time. Pastor Claudio affirmed that his life was in God’s hands and thus he worked to establish a place of worship for the Christians in the town.


 Meeting with the former orphans and feeding the homeless

 James 1:27

 “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

Over 30 former orphans gathered together at Manila Calvary Church for Easter Sunday morning worship service. Kathrina Chin shared the message and words of encouragement.

The former orphans joined the Church for lunch. They also had a meeting and joyful fellowship after the meal. One by one they stood up and shared their life experiences after leaving the orphanages. They talked about their challenges and how they overcame them. They repeatedly expressed their gratitude to the Rev. Amado Chanco for giving them a home, education and the most importantly their faith. They were grateful that they were led to knowledge of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In the orphanages they read and memorized scriptures and hymns. 

A few of the former orphans became pastors with their own congregations. Most became skilled workers. Some were able to work in foreign lands such as Japan and the Middle East. Others had professional jobs such as teachers and nurses.

It was a very emotional and heartfelt meeting. Mrs. Ruth Chanco Sanchez encouraged them; she thanked them for their love of the Lord. She told them that CMFE is glad they are doing well. In response to their plea to construct and re-open the Gethsemane Home orphanages in Mabitac, Laguna and Baguio, CMFE pledge to try its best to raise the funds needed. CMFE understands the need to re-open what the former orphans still consider their home.

A reunion of 61 former orphans was also held last April 21 and 22 in Mabitac, Laguna. They prayed on the site of the former orphanage building. They prayed that God will allow a new structure to house orphans and street children to be built on the location where many of them they grew up and heard the message of salvation. 


Please help us rebuild the Gethsemane Home Orphanage in Mabitac, Laguna.

All donations are tax deductible.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.  I was thirsty and you gave me
something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you
clothed me.  I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me…The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’”       —
— Matthew 25: 35,36, 40

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                                    PO Box 5571

                                    Diamond Bar, CA 91765