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Fall, 2018

Seeing the Invisible


“He saw Him who is invisible.” Hebrews 11:27

Faith Cook authored a book about ordinary people with extraordinary faith. Many heroes in the faith are not famous individuals, however, their faith in Christ and their devoted service to His work inspires us all. The tribal pastors are among the “invisible,” ordinary people of extraordinary faith. They toil tirelessly in the service of the king of kings, knowing that the harvest is plenty but the workers are few (Matthew 9:37). Indeed, CMFE pastors rely on the Lord for their survival. They lean on the “Rock of Ages.” Their faith is deepened by their encounters with the love and kindness of the Lord Jesus. Luke 1:37 "For no word of God will ever fail". Luke 1:45. "Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her!" Luke 9:1 & 2 “He gave them the power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases. And He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. Almost every district have revival services and crusades.


Last month, CMFE leaders again visited the pastors and leaders of the different churches. They all met in Davao, City. Each district reported on their ministries and God’s faithfulness.



East Maasim 1 District


East Maasim 1 holds a tribal music crusade every three month. Their band plays great worship music and many people from their community attend. They hear the word of God and are uplifted by praise and worship songs. A tribal band crusade is planned for Sept. 14, in South Cotabato. The theme will be: Winning Souls for Christ in the last days.


Dflang Calvary Church also hosted a youth fellowship. Fifty young people attended and 20 surrendered and rededicated their lives to the Lord. The church also had a revival service and had a time of prayer and fasting to ask God for his continued blessing and provision for the needs of His churches.


A revival service was held on August 3 and another is planned for Aug. 31.

The district prayed and fasted last August 3 and 4 for the upcoming events. They continue to pray that God’s power and blessing will be with them as they continued to spread the word of Jesus Christ.


The district Bible School continues to train future leaders of the church.



T’Boli District 2 -- South Cotabato


T’Boli District 2 is a new district. They just had a revival service last July 23. Several members rededicated themselves to God’s work but all heard the message of salvation.


They also have a new Philippine Bible Institute (bible training school). The district needs future leaders of the churches. Their district churches have good attendance and is growing. Currently, the new churches such as Tudok Calvary Church has 136 members and Datal Halak Calvary Church has 57. Moreover, the district’s newest church, Basag Calvary Church, under Pastor Busto Dangan, has 29 members.


The members of the T’Boli District 2thanking God they were able to improve their church buildings and have a welcoming place for all to gather.


CMFE USA also sent a box with used clothing, vitamins, chocolates and canned goods. This district is in a very remote and isolated area and the people are extremely poor. They felt very blessed and loved by the gifts which came unexpectedly.


East Maasim 2 District


The East Maasim 2 District holds an evangelistic crusade every 6 months. They have witnessed great miracles and the power of the Holy Spirit in these crusades so they have committed to hold the events regularly. The last gathering was a Healing Crusade. It was held on June 22 and 420 people attended. Eleven persons reported that they were healed and 100 people accepted the Lord as their personal Savior. Everyone was overjoyed!


During the crusade they raffled bags of rice, noodles, and more to help the very poor in their community. Each pastor contributed 500 pesos. This district is the biggest district with 12 churches.

They also have regular scheduled prayer and fasting. The dedication and sacrifice of the members and pastors in this district is truly special. Despite their own poverty they are convicted to help those who are lost and have even less than themselves. Their extraordinary faith has led to the salvation of many. CMFE is happy and blessed to be a part of this ministry.


Maguindanao District


Maguindanao district has a large number of children. Their Sunday school attendance in the district’s six churches are 168, 176, 79, 78, 41 and 31. The churches usually serve lunches after the service to make sure the children are fed.


This district expressed the need for an orphanage. Many of the children in the former Gethsemane Home orphanages came from such impoverished tribal communities.


West Maasim 2 District


The West Maasim district sponsored a Youth Camp. 500 children attended including children from the local schools.  Many of the children chose to accept the Lord as their personal Savior at the end of the camp.


Kiamba 2 and T’Boli District 1


Gasi Calvary Church, in Kiamba District, is grateful for the new drum set and new plastic chairs which CMFE provided. The members are overjoyed. They love music and are happy to worship with their new instruments. Many of the churches have needs for instruments for their worship services. CMFE hopes and prays for the provision to help the churches with their needs.


The district Bible School continues to thrive and train new church workers and pastors. The pastor of one of the T’Boli district, Elwin Salyok is a graduate of their Bible School.


The district missionary of Kiamba 2, Pastor Eduardo Digan, planted Datal Halak Calvary Church which is now Pastor Salyok’s church in T’Boli District 2. To visit Datal Halak Calvary Church area, the Kiamba 2 district missionary and his helpers had to travel by foot through rugged terrain a distance of 60 kilometers. It is a very was challenging commute. Praise the Lord that now the new T’Boli district and churches are led by Pastor Elwin Salyok. They have a video link of one of their church celebration in the mission home page.


Calinan District in Davao City


CMFE sent a second box of used clothing, chocolates, vitamins and canned goods to Calinan District. This area is also very poor and CMFE sent the box to help and encourage the churches there. CMFE USA also gave assistance to Pastor Diangalon for his dental needs.


West Maasim 2 and Maitum District


Daliao Calvary Church will host the youth camp for the four churches of the district as well as Maitum District churches. Daliao Calvary Church is the district’s biggest church. They renovated their church building to accommodate their increasing membership. Another church in this district, Leve Calvary Church is now also under construction to expand their church as their membership grows. They are asking for help to meet the needs to their church.


Maitum District is remote and isolated and the members are very poor. Their young people will join the youth camp of Daliao Calvary church.  The district Missionary of Maitum, Pastor Novie Boone, is from a T’boli tribe as is most of his members.  Pastor Boone requested that a box of goods to also be sent to their district. Praise the Lord there are more donations of used clothing, vitamins and canned goods which we can be sent to Maitum District.


Manila Calvary Church


Manila Calvary Church has a new pastor who graduated from the Bible school in the Gethsemane Home in Mabitac. We pray that God will use him to help the church grow.


In their last mission trip, this July, Clifford and James Chanco gave the message from God's word at the church. Ruth Sanchez shared encouraging promises of God in 2 Thessalonians 1:11. It says that by God's power every desire of our heart for goddess will come to fruition and every deed prompted by faith. They also attended the pastors meeting in Davao and shared God's word.